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Call for artist residency and creation of a work in the old medieval village of Latera in Italy.

The call for Latera the Art Farm is open until 4 October, for international artists to take up an artist residency in Italy, in the medieval village of Latera, a picturesque municipality on the border between Tuscany and Lazio, in the heart of Tuscia and just a short distance from Lake Bolsena.


The project originates within the framework of a broader design aimed at redeveloping the village of Latera through high-quality artistic works, which are to form the heart of a new tourist and cultural attraction for the area.


The call is for a 30-day artist residency to be held between March and May 2025 in which to study the area and its history, when it is requested to conceive, design and create a work (sculpture or installation) to be included in the broader Latera exhibition, which is under construction. The overall project of Latera the Art Farm is indeed to involve additional Italian visual artists, called upon to make artworks of street art, sculptures/installations, as well as to create artistic design works for the redevelopment of the rooms of the scattered hotel, currently undergoing renovation. A broad and varied project that is to affect the village by creating an open-air exhibition. The creation of a dedicated docufilm is also to be part of the project. 


The winner of the call will be awarded the prize of Euro 10,000 intended for the creation of a permanent work to be installed in the village, besides the residency of 30 days. The selected artist may also use local labour and technical partners.


Latera the Art Farm is promoted by the Municipality of Latera and by Associazione Saint Francis' Ways (winners of “Bando Borghi Linea B” – “Financed by the European Union – NextGenerationEU – Fondi PNRR, MISSION 1 – COMPONENT 3 – INVESTMENT 2.1.”), with the artistic management of Squareworld Studio and in cooperation with the selected panel, whose members are going to be published on the website www.lateratheartfarm.it.



Latera, Italy