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Ongoing data feed and updated information about exhibitions and events in museums, art spaces, galleries, trade fairs and biennales – throughout Switzerland and internationally. Would you also like to publish an exhibition here? Get in touch:

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St. Moritz
Dokoupil — Film Paintings Galerie Andrea Caratsch St. Moritz -
TaDA Spinnerei summer edition: Acoustics, architecture, textiles TaDA – Textile and Design Alliance St. Gallen -
St. Gallen
Monika Sennhauser Architektur Forum Ostschweiz St. Gallen -
Reto Pulfer — Fachzustand Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen St. Gallen -
Burning Down the House — Rethinking Family Kunstmuseum St.Gallen St. Gallen -
Reto Pulfer — Fachzustand Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen St. Gallen -
TaDA Talk Up-cycling, Re-cycling, Re-use TaDA – Textile and Design Alliance St. Gallen -
St. Gallen
Experimental Ecology Kunstmuseum St.Gallen St. Gallen -
Accrochage — Künstler der Galerie Galerie Andrea Caratsch St. Moritz -
Ukrainischer Sonntagsbrunch: Aus gemeinsamen Schalen open art museum St. Gallen -
St. Gallen
Video-Talk: Art against War (engl.) open art museum St. Gallen -
XL — Armleder Dokoupil Mosset Galerie Andrea Caratsch St. Moritz -
St. Gallen
Bianca Barandun, Isabelle Krieg Hiltibold St. Gallen -
St. Gallen
Juliette Uzor — (ah ah ah) Kunstmuseum St.Gallen St. Gallen -
Agnes Scherer — Ein seltsames Spiel Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen St. Gallen -
St. Gallen
lumbung brut open art museum St. Gallen -
St. Gallen
Roman Signer Kunstmuseum St.Gallen St. Gallen -
St. Gallen
Die Bestie des Krieges open art museum St. Gallen -
St. Gallen
Sammlungsfieber Kunstmuseum St.Gallen St. Gallen -
Vorwärts in die Vergangenheit Kunstmuseum St.Gallen St. Gallen -
St. Gallen
Haris Epaminonda Kunstmuseum St.Gallen St. Gallen -
Hans Josephsohn Stiftung Sitterwerk und Kesselhaus Josephsohn St. Gallen -
Arvenskulpturen — Not Bott (1927-1998) Central Art Gallery St. Moritz St. Moritz -
Silser See — Thomas Seilnacht Central Art Gallery St. Moritz St. Moritz -
Reliefs Structuras Alpinas da l'Engiadina — Ernestina Abbühl Central Art Gallery St. Moritz St. Moritz -
Graubünden pur — Patrick Nyfeler Central Art Gallery St. Moritz St. Moritz -
Das Feuer des Engadiner Winters — Renzo Papini Central Art Gallery St. Moritz St. Moritz -