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Ongoing data feed and updated information about exhibitions and events in museums, art spaces, galleries, trade fairs and biennales – throughout Switzerland and internationally. Would you also like to publish an exhibition here? Get in touch:

Details Image Title Institution City Date Sort ascending
Andreas Nann - Former Sunrise annex14 Zürich Zürich -
Tesfu Woldeselassie Offenes Pfarrhaus Peter und Paul Aarau -
Jun Yang - Learn the local language annex14 Zürich Zürich -
CH: #8080.0005 - Stuart Alexander Schibli DELACAVE Association For Art Stetten -
Grosse Kunstausstellung Halle -
2005 | Linie – Fläche – Körper | Galerie Hochschule Wädenswil -
Cosas de Casados Circulo de Bellas Artes Madrid -
Peter Aerschmann - Videoinstallationen annex14 Zürich Zürich -
Milano/IT: #8080.78 - Stuart Alexander Schibli DELACAVE Association For Art Milano -
More Things annex14 Zürich Zürich -
Boris Rebetez - Ombres, hallucinations et faux sentiments annex14 Zürich Zürich -