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Name Sort descending Type Portrait Details
Josef Bauer Artist
Josef Binder Artist
Josef Bisa Artist
Josef Böhm Artist
Josef Bolf Artist
Josef Boss Artist
Josef Breitenbach Artist
Josef Briechle Artist
Josef Brunner Artist
Josef Bücheler Artist
Josef Carisch Artist
Josef Dabernig Artist
Josef Ebnöther Artist
Josef Eggler Artist
Josef Egli Artist
Josef Emil Schneckendorf Artist
Josef Fay Artist
Josef Felix Müller Artist
Josef Ferdinand Seitz Artist
Josef Fischnaller Artist
Josef Gnos-Madörin Artist
Josef Havlicek Artist
Josef Hegenbarth Artist
Josef Heinrich Darchinger Artist
Josef Helfenstein Curator
Josef Herman Artist
Josef Hermann Artist
Josef Herzog Artist
Josef Hofer Artist
Josef Hoflehner Artist
Josef J. Zihlmann Artist
Josef Karl Rädler Artist
Josef Kaufmann Artist
Josef Kern Artist
Josef Kopf Artist
Josef Koppandi Artist
Josef Kostner Artist
Josef Koudelka Artist
Josef Krähenbühl Artist
Josef Kramhöller Artist
Josef Lang Artist
Josef Linschinger Artist
Josef Loretan Artist
Josef Madlener Artist
Josef Manser «Mölpi» Artist
Josef Maria Odermatt Artist
Josef Maria Schröder Artist
Josef Maria Sirvent Artist
Josef Mark Artist
Josef Mickl Artist