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Ongoing data feed and updated information about exhibitions and events in museums, art spaces, galleries, trade fairs and biennales – throughout Switzerland and internationally. Would you also like to publish an exhibition here? Get in touch:

Details Image Title Institution City Date Sort ascending
Yuri Catania — Jazz off the Wall Museo Comunale d'Arte Moderna Ascona -
«We Are Fighting Human Animals» Forum Schlossplatz Aarau -
«We Are Fighting Human Animals» Forum Schlossplatz Aarau -
Rolf Gérard, Peter Brook — amicizia e creatività Fondazione Rolf Gérard Ascona -
split_ — Rundgang zur Finissage mit Timo Ullmann Rathaus Aarau Aarau -
Auswahl 23 Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau Aarau -
I colori delle emozioni Museo Comunale d'Arte Moderna Ascona -
Let’s fêtes galantes! Forum Schlossplatz Aarau -
Stranger in the Village Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau Aarau -
Poesie in Bild und Text Kunst im Kantonsspital Aarau -