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Ongoing data feed and updated information about exhibitions and events in museums, art spaces, galleries, trade fairs and biennales – throughout Switzerland and internationally. Would you also like to publish an exhibition here? Get in touch:

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La Regionale — Camilla Sparksss Museo Villa Ciani Lugano -
Nocturne Haus der Kunst St. Josef Solothurn -
58. Solothurner Filmtage 2023 Landhaus Solothurn -
Artur – Solothurner Kunst-Hopping Freitagsgalerie Imhof, Galerie ArteSol, Galerie Christoph Abbühl , Galerie Löiegruebe, Galerie S O, Haus der Kunst St. Josef, Kunstforum Solothurn, Kunstmuseum Solothurn, Kunstraum Medici, Künstlerhaus S11 Solothurn -
Artur Galerie Christoph Abbühl Solothurn -
B-side Feminism - A Transcription Marathon Sonnenstube Lugano -
Jäten und Geniessen! Kunstmuseum Solothurn Solothurn -