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Michel Huelin (Saignelégier, 1962)
Collection : Fonds cantonal d'art contemporain (FCAC)

Chiefly a painter and video artist, since the advent of the digital age, Michel Huelin has been interested in images that are generated, changed or constructed by means of a computer. When he first began painting, he favored optical sensations, visual effects, and the play of contrasts between blurred surfaces and clear forms. Organic motifs later infiltrated his practice in parallel with the development of his computer-based work, which intensified in the 2000s. Vegetation, insects, animals and hybrids combining the virtual and the natural are the elements he used to draw two leafy garlands that roll out almost infinitely on the surface of the broad windows of the entrance hall of the Faculty of Science building at the University of Geneva. Using digitally reworked images, Michel Huelin emphasizes the heterogeneity and interdependence of everything that surrounds us, from the smallest beetle to a bunch of grapes, from butterflies to lizards, from flowers to hedgehogs. Behind an apparent proximity enhanced by green and yellow tones, the artist describes to us the amazing biological diversity of our environment.
Article commissioned by P3Art
Notice: Séverine Fromaigeat, translation: Matthew Cunningham



Work type
Public Art
Object dimensions
approx. 90 m2
impression numérique sur scotchcal


Boulevard D'Yvoy 4
1205 Genève


Details Name Portrait
Michel Huelin