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Alfredo Aceto, Victoria Cantons, Sylvie Fleury, Dorota Gawęda and Eglė Kulbokaitė, Thomas Julier, Klaudia Schifferle, Xu Yang, Sinae Yoo

Opening, Thursday 18 April 2024, from 6pm

In the exhibition “Beyond the Looking Glass” – inspired by Lewis Carroll’s “Through the Looking-Glass” – Works will be exhibited that deal with following thematic areas: Transformation and Metamorphosis, Technological Interventions, Mirrors and Reflections.

Works by artists will be displayed, functioning within the exhibition as reflections: both internally, between the artists and viewers. The works exist within a liminal context of the exhibition, encompassing both artificially intelligent based images – technology within our visualized and socialized worlds – as well as physical objects that equally address
contemporary themes of self-mediated personalities and compositions that evoke situations reminiscent of classical portraits from art history.

Ideas of authenticity and authorship are challenged and rejected upon viewing the works. Bodies are considered akin to history, landscapes are seen as new realities, and at times, are led into the realm of the grotesque. The works reflect the contemporary world, where digitaland physical realities merge and the boundaries between them blur.

Curated by Doris Son


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Galerie Lange + Pult Zurich