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Solo Exhibition with Andréa Azzi

This exhibition at Network of Arts in Luzern marks a coming back to Switzerland after a few years of the artist living in her hometown in Brazil – Belo Horizonte. Biomorphic forms are very present in her work especially rounded shapes. The exhibition will show some of her newest works, as well as some of her works produced when she lived in Switzerland.

Andréa Azzi is an artist, cultural producer and art director. Andréa started her work in the late 1980s producing paintings, multimedia installations and objects and has spent the last three decades living in Switzerland. Master in Culture and Media Studies from Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHDK) and a degree in Fine Arts from Hochschule der Künste Bern (HKB) Andréa Azzi has been back in Brazil since 2015.
In November 2019 she opened the Solo Exhibition: “Language is a skin” at AM Galeria de Arte, curated by Manu Grossi - an intense production of paintings carried out in the last 4 years, living and working in „Bosque do Jambreiro“ in Nova Lima, Minas Gerdas Brazil. Among her group exhibitions, the exhibitions held at Junta 2022, GAL ATELIER 2022 in Belo Horizonte, Brasil and the past exhibitions: Itaú Cultural in São Paulo (1993) and in Belo Horizonte (1992) and at the Berner Galerie in Bern (1992) in Switzerland stand out. Participated in the Collective Exhibitions Master of Arts Exhibition Group (1992), Zurich; all in Switzerland.

"My work oscillates between the fascination for “Color Field Painting” of the 50's, by Abstract Painting and by Abstract Expressionism, Action Painting and, without a doubt, still bears characteristics of my influences from the 80's - the years I started painting." - Andréa Azzi



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Details Name Portrait
Andréa Azzi


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Network of Arts