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On the occasion of the exhibition “How like a leaf I am,” Alexandra Baumgartner and Photoforum invite the transdisciplinary artist duo Aterraterra from Palermo to a special event.

Aterraterra explores wild and domesticated plants, examining the culturally defined boundary between “edible” and “inedible.” The Tasting Session offers a sensory deconstruction and analysis of a place, where guests reflect on the relationships between human and non-human life forms that arise through food.

During the three-day research phase, the Tasting Event will be developed in collaboration with Aterraterra. Biologist and freelance botanist Arnaud Pradervand (Etude Botanique), along with the collective of the transdisciplinary audio documentary project Seed Carriers (Anna Froelicher, Kim Schelbert, Matthias Lorimer, Alexandra Baumgartner), will accompany Aterraterra. The focus will be on exploring the diverse landscape of Biel and making the city “edible”.

Beyond the appreciation of the plant, the content of the events emphasises the importance of experimentation and stimulates our radical imagination with the aim of making our deeper connections to plants tangible. The selective transdisciplinary exchange of knowledge forms the basic framework for the playful and sensual interventions that transform theory into practice.

This event was made possible thanks to the kind support of Pro Helvetia, Migros Kulturprozent and Dr. Georg und Josi Guggenheim-Stiftung.



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Photoforum Pasquart