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SAMBA, the society for friends of the La Chaux-de-Fonds museum, has been celebrating art for over 150 years, drawing art lovers to the region with the only event of its kind in French-speaking Switzerland. The much anticipated event, a highlight of the Swiss arts calendar, offers a peerless platform for artists from across the canton. This 75th edition is an opportunity for artists and visitors alike to celebrate their love of art. Come and join us in jubilation!


Featured artists:

Yves André; Georges Ayusawa; Massimiliano Baldassarri; Rémy Bender; Pascal Berthoud; Fabian Boschung; Flore Calame; Tim Casari; Tan Chen; Johana Cherbuin; Roxane Christinet; Louis Clerc; Maciej Czepiel; Sebastián Dávila; Dominique Delefortrie; France Dépraz; Ligia Dias; Anne Emery; Rosalie Evard; Mehryl Ferri Levisse; Simone Nicola Filippo; Sara Francisco; Orélie Fuchs Chen; Liliana Gassiot; Monika Jurić Jaquenoud; Yannick Lambelet; Achille et Gilles Meier; Alizé Rose-May Monod; Chloë Naucelle; Anne Pantillon; Camille Pellaux; Aloys Perregaux; Geneviève Petermann; Réjean Peytavin; Thalles Piaget; Roberto Romano; Denis Roueche; Dominique Rytz; Sébastien Schnyder; Nathan Solioz; Benjamin Tenko Taillard; Xavier Voirol; Sophie Zede





Event Type



Title Country City Details
Musée des beaux-arts La Chaux-de-Fonds
La Chaux-de-Fonds
La Chaux-de-Fonds