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Petra Gut Contemporary is pleased to welcome internationally acclaimed Austrian photographer Andreas H. Bitesnich back to Zurich with the upcoming solo exhibition, opening on 29 May.

INTERSECTIONS: EXPLORING FORM & CONTRAST presents a varied examination of the artist’s career, spanning the artist’s thirty-year career. His portfolio encompasses two distinct yet equally compelling realms: nude photography exuding an elegant, sculptural quality that accentuates form, and streetscapes capturing the pulsating energy and gritty allure of some of the world’s most famous urban hubs like New York, Paris and Tokyo.

Andreas is lauded for his striking photographs, showcasing a profound sense of beauty and aesthetic precision in his compositions. His nude photography has set new standards in the genre and has garnered international acclaim. Bitesnich excels in capturing the essence of the vibrant streetscapes he traverses, showcasing the dynamic energy of these urban melting pots. His use of dramatic lighting, reminiscent of film noir, transports the viewer and enriches his depictions of urban life and the human form.

When talking of his art, Bitesnich highlights the instinctive nature of his creative process “When a new topic excites me, I always head out with my camera right away. It has to grip me; only then does it make sense. Generally, it’s good to remain open to what touches you; I set no limits for myself.”

His spontaneous, boldly exposed images vividly convey the spirit of vibrant metropolises, effortlessly transporting viewers on immersive journeys through his lens. One can sense the artist’s energy and passion for his craft through his photographs, whether meticulously crafted in the studio or spontaneous travel snapshots. This diversity illustrates his strength as an artist, capable of moving from one style to another with ease.

Step into another world with Andreas H. Bitesnich’s evocative photography at Petra Gut Contemporary in Zurich!


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Nüschelerstrasse, 31
8001 Zürich


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Petra Gut Contemporary AG