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Utopia at Our Place with Videocity

Artists: Artists: Yana Bachynska, Hsin-Yu Chen, Polina Chizhova & James Stephen Wright, Youngjoo Cho, Abdulnasser Gharem, Ping Ho, Esther Yi-Chun Lin, Copa & Sordes and Tzuan Wu

Curators: Ting-Ting Cheng, Fabio Sayegh and the Videocity team


Our Place 我們家 is a domestic screening and art space located in Taipei, managed by artist Ting-Ting Cheng and her partner Fabio Sayegh, from Taiwan and Brazil. The space regularly hosts art events that feature screenings, along with drinks and food.

The core concept of this exhibition revolves around the thematic keywords: Nature/Artificiality, Body, Heritage, Movement, and Utopia. By bringing together international artists and selected Taiwanese artists, we aim to create a rich, multifaceted dialogue that explores these themes from various cultural and artistic perspectives.

Artists from the UK, South Korea, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, and more will present their works, contributing to a vibrant international showcase. This, combined with the unique voices of Taiwanese artists, will provide an opportunity to engage with diverse interpretations and artistic expressions at Our Place in Taipei. The collaboration embodies the spirit of “Utopia” by fostering cross-cultural exchange of ideas and understanding through the language of video.





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