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Samar Martha - One wishes for a reasonably normal life

The curator Samar Martha (born 1970 in Jerusalem, lives in Ramallah) is staying in the Krone guest studio until June. Krone has been in existence since 1985 and runs an exchange programme for Indian and Palestinian artists. The organising body consists of a work group, as well as the city of Aarau and the Aargau board of trustees. In the past, Martha has chosen Palestinian artists for the guest studios, and was then asked by the director, Wenzel A. Haller, to come to Switzerland herself. In June she opens her exhibition at the Forum Schlossplatz in Aarau, where she's showing work by four residency artists who are currently in Switzerland. This provides an opportunity to introduce her in the <i>Gastlabor</i> (host institution) section.

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Samar Martha
