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Name Sort descending Type Portrait Details
Irena Kurkova Artist
Irena Naef Artist
Irena Paskali Artist
Irena Rosc Artist
Irene Eckert Artist
Irene Hofstetter Artist
Irene Solá Artist
Irene Andessner Artist
Irene Angehrn Artist
Irene Bisang Artist
Irène Braun Artist
Irene Brühwiler Artist
Irene Buchanan Artist
Irene Christen-Dürig Artist
Irene Curiger Artist
Irène Dacunha Artist
Irene Dapunt Artist
Irene Drexel Artist
Irene Düring Artist
Irène Dussoix Artist
Irene Dworak-Dorowin Artist
Irene Fastner Artist
Irene Fortuyn Artist
Iréne Gantenbein Artist
Irene Gisler Gordon Artist
Irene Grau Artist
Irene Grillo Author
Irene Grove Artist
Irene Grundel Artist
Irène Hänni Epp Photographer, Gallery owner, Artist, Curator
Photographer, Gallery owner, Artist, Curator
Irène Hinder Artist
Irene Hohenbüchler Artist
Irène Hotz Artist
Irène Hug Artist
Irene Husmann Artist
Irene Kar Artist
Irene Kopelman Artist
Irene Kulka Artist
Irene Kung Artist
Irene Lanz-Hubmann Artist
Irene Legoaster Artist
Irène Loew Artist
Irène Lützelschwab Artist
Irene Maag Artist
Irene Meier Author
Irene Miserez Artist
Irene Müller Author, Curator, Mediator
Author, Curator, Mediator
Irene Naef Artist
Irene Pfisterer Artist
Irène Pijoan Artist