Salta al contenuto principale

Paula Almiron, Eliane Bertschi, Luca Büchler, Asia Dellanoce, Selini Demetriou, Darius Dolatyari-Dolatdoust, Nina Emge, Lara Ferrari, Cathrin Jarema, Dijan Kahrimanovic, Johanna Kotlaris, Laura Lulika & Hang Linton, Carolina Mendonça, Sveta Mordovskaya, Barbara Signer, Ilona Stutz, Lauryn Youden

Dear Friends,

Our lives are influenced not only by singular black swan events like pandemics, political crises or natural disasters, human made or other. But nature, and with it supposedly us too, are influenced by cyclical processes steered by forces infinitely greater than anything we could influence. The earth orbiting the sun on an elliptical path and slightly at a tilt is one of these processes which we might pay no attention to during the majority of our lifetimes. However, every year there is one tiny moment in which the earth comes around and begins tilting towards the cosmological life force: the sun. For the northern hemisphere, this moment comes in late December – today to be precise.

We would like to take this recurring cosmological event, one that has been accompanied by special observation, rituals and natural processes for millennia, as an opportunity to remind ourselves of the bigger picture on the one hand, but also our relationship(s) to ourselves, each other and our surroundings on the other hand and at the other end of the spectrum.

And just as the earth is in a constantly recurring turning away and turning towards this life giving light, we also find ourselves in recurring rituals and habits.

In times in which we seem to have to rely more on ourselves to pass time and keep ourselves content, engaged and sane it might be helpful for some to establish habits, new routines or rituals of sorts in order to perform care – no matter if for one’s self and/or for others.

Therefore we invite you to visit "due to circumstance" ( Hopefully to participate with and through us and many others, to share benevolent feelings, stay positive and to take care of one another.

All the best,



Tipo di evento


Titolo Paese Località Dettagli