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In-app group show | Fitness Art Club powered by Roehrs & Boetsch

Roehrs & Boetsch is pleased to present its latest exhibition format for art in the digital age. FitArt provides art shows on your phone in the form of a fitness plan. Available to download for iOS and Android, the application is designed as a series of workouts, featuring exercises created by artists.

The launching 7-minutes workout and in-app show, Connected in Isolation features works by artists Jeremy Bailey, Petra Cortright, Damjanski, Constant Dullaart, exonemo, Elisa Giardina Papa, Lauren Huret, JODI, Sam Lavigne, Olia Lialina, Jillian Mayer, Evan Roth, Sebastian Schmieg and Molly Soda.

In recent months, in order to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus, authorities worldwide have imposed the closure of public places with increased risk of contagion, from art museums to gym facilities, asking the population to stay home. This has contributed to the rediscovery and popularization of digital fitness training formats designed to guide movement and maintain or gain physical fitness while on isolation. Against this backdrop, FitArt appropriates the design of popular fitness apps to bring artists' works to the viewer – onto the personal mobile phone.

Building on widely spread and highly accessible technologies – a mobile phone and an app developed for it – FitArt grants a wide audience to experience works of art even in times of social distancing and isolation. The result, a new exhibition format for art in the digital age, and at the same time, a consolation patch for all those who suffer from the shutdown of the physical playgrounds of art consumption. Encouraging the user to follow or reenact the performance, the exhibition format equally suggests a broader reflection on the often-blind delegation of the manipulation of our bodies to technical devices – above all the mobile phone – and optimal performance expectations even in times of crisis.

For the inaugural exhibition, gallerist Nina Roehrs and artist Damjanski have invited fourteen artists, whose practice can be described as native digital. Digital devices, network technologies and protocols, namely the Internet, YouTube or Instagram, are both object and subject of their research – digital spaces where and for which they create and where they meet their audience. However different in technique and approach, the works in show share interest and critical approach towards new technologies and platforms, exploring their artistic potential and impact on contemporary (digital) culture. 

Join FitArt – Fitness Art Club powered by Roehrs & Boetsch by downloading the app and start your first workout. Get a glimpse of what art in the digital age might hold for you, and, at the same time, get in shape for the wave of art events waiting on the horizon.

Available here: APP STORE   |  GOOGLE PLAY




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Roehrs & Boetsch