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Minerva Cuevas, Alicia Framis, Kiluanji Kia Henda, Warren Neidich, Mariana Vassileva

Most of the problems that mankind encounters today can only be solved globally. This promotes the understanding of the interconnectivity of life on our planet. The complex structures that globalization brings with it often seem impenetrable. Its dimensions seem overwhelming, but the belief that individual’s choices have an impact on the world can be equally empowering and inspiring.

Artists around the world are concerned with this complexity, the negative effects of which are particularly evident in topics such as human rights, biodiversity, social responsibility or in the area of digitalization. What does it mean to create equality for people, regardless of origin, skin color, gender, religion or sexuality? What kind of coexistence do we wish for with living beings that have inhabited the earth longer than humans? How can social responsibility become a lived practice? And what role does digitalization play in all of this? Artworks by Kiluanji Kia Henda, Warren Neidich, Minerva Cuevas, Alicia Framis and Mariana Vassileva explore the interconnection of these issues and evoke images of possible futures.

