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1970: Geboren in Meiringen Lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam
1993-1995: Studium der Geschichte an der Universität Zürich
1995-1996: Vorkurs, Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Zürich
1996-2001: Ecole supérieure des Beaux-Arts (ESBA), Genf
2001-2002: Kungliga Konsthoegskolan, Stockholm

ORGANISATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT «The test of change management is whether the new business solution can be launched successfully. Resistance to change is normal. The Project Manager should expect to encounter it and deal with it. The worst time to encounter resistance is during the cutover to the new solution. Transition is usually a busy, critical, high-risk period when the last thing you need is a lack of co-operation from the target population. Try to surface issues and resistance earlier in the project so that there is time to get the target population engaged before any damage is caused. Some Organisational Change Management experts suggest that you should deliberately upset the target population early in the project so that you can guide them through the emotional curve and change their attitude. That may be taking the principle too far - but, if there is going to be resistance, try to deal with it early.» TEXT FROM SIMON WALLACE, «THE EPMBOOK»

2003:«Verflixt», NT-Areal, Basel; «Swiss Art Awards», Messezentrum Basel [Kat.]
2004: «Subtext», Subraum 2 von 4, Basel; «Swiss Art Awards», Messezentrum Basel
2006: «The Last Day of Socialism», Gallery M. de Wit, Amsterdam
2007: «National Pride», Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam; «Aeschlimann-Corti-Stipendium», enter, Kunstmuseum Thun

2003: Eidgenössischer Preis für Kunst
2007: Residency Rijksakademie van beeldenden kunsten, Dutch Ministry of Culture; Patronagefonds für junge Schweizer Künstler, Basler Kunstverein


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Marianne Flotron