Direkt zum Inhalt
Describe your work in five words.
Hacking, Intervention, Contemporary, Multifaceted.

Why did you apply and what will you do if you win the Schweizer Kunstpreis?
Winning the Swiss Art Award would help us further develop our work – the money would go ­towards realizing our next work(s).

What is your favourite work of art?
There are so many works of art we like, it is hard to name just one. The most recent great exhibition we saw was Mike Kelley’s at the Geffen contemporary in L.A. But we also see a lot of great net.art online. At the moment we really like Cory Arcangels new book “Working on my Novel”, we like work by Eva and Franco Mattes, Brad Troemel, Ubermorgen.com. There is a great exhibition at the moment by Vuk Cosic in Ljubljana presenting some of our favourite work by various artists called “net.art Painters and Poets”.

Where do you come from, where are you now, where are you going?
We have a background in digital art, have always also been interested in the White Cube and its potentials. Currently, we are working on expanding our visual vocabulary. In the future we want to keep working on contemporary issues we find important and to find interesting ways to talk about them with art.


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