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Inspired by Miriam Cahn’s painting Zeitgenössisches Gefühl (2009) (which translates as "contemporary feeling"), the exhibition explores the idea of a contemporary “sensation” along a selection of works from the collection of the Geneva Contemporary Art Fund (FCAC) and new productions by three Ukrainian artists.
Our sense of contemporaneity has been challenged by the dynamic between extreme mediated remoteness and urgent global crises that confront our wildest expectations, like a scream for action so urgent that it can simultaneously paralyze. A fragile yet vibrating sensation of reality seems to be the result. Storytelling and artistic appropriation might possibly be the only solution to approaching the avalanche of information and disinformation that engulfs us.
This exhibition aims to look into the ways artists express and approach their relationship to the conflicted space and time we share. The selection of works focuses on positions, which operate between fact and fiction, between narration and documentation, between objectivity and a poetic, questioning gaze. Three Ukrainian artists, Alevtina Kakhidze, Kateryna Lysovenko et Anna Zvyagintseva, were invited to produce new works and to use this exhibition as an open platform, a field of experimentation and expression for their lives and artistic practices that have been disrupted by the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

Exhibition curators: Claire Hoffmann and Olga Osadtschy

This exhibition has been produced as part of the Geneva Canton Contemporary Art Fund (FCAC) Bursary for the curation of an exhibition, and conceived with works from their collection.



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Villa Bernasconi