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„Looking In“ is an exhibition of a new series of paintings by Ribal Molaeb. It is a look into the inside of the self. A search for the light. Although strong and powerful in color, the paintings are meditative and serene.

I’ve learned a great deal about how to paint while thinking as a musician. My art and music undoubtedly complement each other. I build my paintings like any musical composition on the basis of harmony, movement, rhythm and dynamics. I use colors as musical accents. I apply my understanding of classical music theory and compositions in order to produce my paintings.
Each painter paints the cosmogony of himself. Our subconscious is full of images from our childhood and perhaps sometimes from our past lives. Despite leaving Lebanon aged 17, when I dream at night, the dreams are always coming from my childhood home. I don’t wait for inspiration. I don’t need exterior elements to inspire me; I can easily paint the Mediterranean Sea while working in my studio in Zürich. This is because the brain has a vast amount of data. I progress my data, in colours and forms, on a canvas.
- Ribal Molaeb



Ribal Molaeb m’a séduit par ses compositions novatrices et maîtrisées, ses couleurs riches, harmonieuses et éclatantes, son inspiration philosophique et spiritualiste universaliste, sa science musicale et picturale créatrice d’un univers poétique remarquable et singulier.
- Claude Lemand


Tipo di evento


Titolo Paese Località Dettagli
Galerie Agénor