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Patrizia Keller, Nidwaldner Museum
Chantal Molleur, White Frame

Nidwaldner Museum, Switzerland

Nidwaldner Museum and White Frame are very pleased to show 'Collisions' with artists Luc Mattenberger and Max Philipp Schmid. From the very beginning, unexpected connections and associations were central to our plans for this exhibition. A scientific definition of the word collision is 'an event in which two or more bodies exert forces on each other’. The same could be said about the momentum for our curatorial approach, which was guided by questions about contemplation, infiltration, fragmentation, and permutation. By bringing together Mattenberger’s objects and sculptures and Schmid’s video installations, ‘Collisions’ explores issues surrounding entrapment, tradition, transformation and change.

This project is made possible thanks to financial support from the Mary & Ewald E. Bertschmann-Stiftung, Ernst und Olga Gubler-Hablützel Stiftung, Pro Helvetia and la République et canton de Genève.


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