Salta al contenuto principale

nagl~wintersberger, Ferhat Özgür, Johanna Reich, Paulina Ruiz Carballido, James Stephen Wright & Polina Chizhova, Marko Zink

Curators: Jana P. Francová, Karin Písaříková and the Videocity-Team
Exhibition as public art project on a large monitor in the window of Umakart Gallery
Opening times: 24/7 each day

Exhibition Partner: Videocity Stadtparcours St. Pölten, Basel
Thanks: City of St. Pölten, Kultur Niederösterreich, Danube Trackback and zollfrei association

About the Gallery
The goal of Gallery Umakart is to directly present contemporary art, such as videoart, installations, conceptual art and performances, works of students and graduates from FaVU (faculty of fine arts) to passers by on the street.

“Cooperation with international project and partner city St. Pölten. Videocity is an international public art project founded in 2013 by Dr. Andrea Domesle in Basel, Switzerland. It connects video art with audiences in public spaces around the world, both indoors and outdoors and in unusual places. Dr. Domesle approached the Umakart Gallery with an offer of collaboration, and its format fits in with this concept.”

Andrea Domesle, Karin Písaříková, Jana P Francová 

The curatorial selection of videos from Videocity St. Pölten city exhibtion trail

was done to embrace the tradition of Umakart Gallery to focus on body positivity and bodily experiences. It will be hosted from 16. January to 13. February 2024, showcasing a thought-provoking collection of short videos. Each artist offers a different perspective on acceptance, and the beauty found in individuality.

Mit der Einladung nach Brünn wird eine Brücke zur Partnerstadt St. Pölten geschlagen. Die Brünner Kuratorinnen Karin Písaříková und Jana P. Francová entdeckten mit Videocity einen Gleichgesinnten:  beide zeigen Videokunst in Schaufenstern und bringen so Videokunst auf die Strasse und in den Alltag von vielen. Neben einem Kunstpublikum werden vor allem Passanten angesprochen.

The invitation to Brno builds a bridge to the twin city of St. Pölten. The Brno curators Karin Písaříková and Jana P. Francová discovered a kindred spirit with Videocity: both show video art in display windows and thus bring video art to the street and into the everyday lives of many. In addition to an art audience, they primarily address passers-by.

Web page:

Project page


Tipo di evento


Titolo Paese Località Dettagli
Umakart Gallery