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Artists from Hong Kong, Taipei and the Diaspora

The Freiburg edition of Homeland in Transit, co-curated by Heidi Brunnschweiler and Angelika Li, focuses on the concept of acoustic justice as articulated by the artists and sound theorist Brandon LaBelle. According to LaBelle, the right to be heard and the right to listen form the foundation of a fair society. Grounded in an ethic of radical openness, he perceives sound and hearing as an acoustic commons, where a multitude of voices can contribute and various sounds can be heard. Acoustic justice, as a social resource, focuses on the realities of people’s lives and brings awareness to what remains unspoken, unheard, or unpronounceable. It serves as a poetic and slow energy, supporting the ongoing work of an acoustic imaginary that values diversity, exchange, and reorientation.

Homeland in Transit sets out to create a space for the voices, sounds and performative silences of seven artistic positions from Hong Kong, Taipei and the diaspora. The exhibition understands itself as a place where the right to be heard and the right to listen can be practised. In this way, the exhibition creates a space in which the acoustic imaginary of a just society can resound. Listening can thus be practised as the ability to enrich each other and share knowledge through empathy, understanding and affection as well as critical questioning.



Do 14.9.2023 | 19 Uhr | Foyer
Mit einer Performance von Hedy Leung

Fr 15.9. | bis 22 Uhr geöffnet
Ein Rundgang durch Freiburger Kunsträume
19 Uhr Thematischer Ausstellungsrundgang | Von Teufeln und Dämonen

Screening Queer Squad
Di 26.9.2023 | 19 Uhr | Kammertheater
Kurzfilme Sinophone Queer / Feminist Activism ausgewählt und präsentiert von Queer Squad // Short Films Sinophone Queer / Feminist Activism selected and presented by Queer Squad

Screening Hong Kong
Do 26.10.2023 | 19 Uhr | Kammertheater
Kurzfilme aus Hongkong ausgewählt und präsentiert von Angelika Li // Short Films from Hong Kong selected and presented by Angelika Li

DAS EXTRA. Ikebana Community
Sa 28.10.2023 | 14:30 – ca. 17:30 | Fotoecke Bildhauerhalle
Ikebana Community Workshop mit Hedy Leung // Ikebana Community Workshop with Hedy Leung

Thematische Ausstellungsrundgänge // Thematic exhibition tours
Fr 15.9. | 19 Uhr | Nocturne. Von Teufeln und Dämonen
Do 12.10. | 19 Uhr | Home is where your heart is? | Tour in English
So 5.11. | 16 Uhr | Spurensuche nach den Wunden der Stadt
Treffpunkt: Galerie 1




Hedy Leung
Leung has a holistic approach to the balance of energies between human and nature. In her everyday practice, she explores the healing and revitalizing powers of sound, plants, and sogetsu ikebana.

Isaac Chong Wai
The political and performative qualities of Chong’s artistic practice are incorporated by an interdisciplinary approach, processing the exigency of societal shifts and global phenomena.

Winnie Soon
Soon is an artist coder and researcher interested in the cultural implications of digital infrastructure that addresses wider power asymmetries.

Oscar Chan Yik Long
Chan’s artistic practice focuses on personal experience and explores the conditions of life, how individuals associate themselves with others, fear, mythologies and popular visual culture.

Leung Chi Wo
As a visual artist, Leung combines historical explorations with conceptual investigations in a modern urban setting.

Anson Mak
Moving image and sound artist Anson Mak is interested in urban redevelopment, queer culture and well-being in the forms of experimental ethnography and essay film.

Angela Su
Su explores perception and imagery of the body through metamorphosis, hybridity and transformation. Her research-based projects materialize in drawings, videos, hair embroidery, performative and installation works.

Musquiqui Chihying
The filmmaker and multimedia artist Musquiqui Chihying explores the cultural and social identities constructed through the flow and circulation of audiovisual elements.




Homeland in Transit is a series of exhibitions by Angelika Li. Through her move from Hong Kong to Basel in 2017, Li began to explore the complex and changing nature of „homeland“. The exhibition series explores different narratives and aspects of „homeland“: with borders, history, memory, cultural identity, diaspora, displacement and beyond.




E-WERK Freiburg, Galerie für Gegenwartskunst, Eschholzstr.77, 79106 Freiburg


Do | Fr 17-20 Uhr
Sa 14-20 Uhr
So 14-18 Uhr


Telefon 0761/20 75 70
Telefax 0761/2 07 57 48


E-WERK Freiburg – Sie erreichen uns zu Fuß, mit dem Rad, mit der VAG: Buslinie 14 und 26
Haltestelle Ferdinand-Weiß-Straße.
Mit dem Auto (es gibt nur wenige Parkplätze, Einfahrt Ferdinand-Weiß-Straße)
A5, Abfahrt Freiburg Mitte, Ausfahrt Stühlinger, links in die Eschholzstraße.


Type d'événement


E-WERK Freiburg, Galerie für Gegenwartskunst, Eschholzstr.77
79106 Freiburg Breisgau


Title Country City Détails
PF25 cultural projects