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Last exhibiton before demolition

With the Werkerei and a transformation of the whole surrounding area as a contextual basis, the group exhibition addresses the periphery and its changing image. An area lying on the outskirts of the city, that has become a home to a variety of companies, art studios and craft workshops, is now being demolished. Like a draft being erased to become a clean slate for a new image, this place disappears from the map to serve a more profitable purpose. 

Peripheral urban landscapes, changing in a fast pace, embody a different time – space reality as opposed to the city center. Dynamic changes in these areas are reasoned by an absence of recognized historical value, which sadly defines them as “disposable” architectural elements. This exhibition is a reminder that value of the space can have a different nature. 

Such non-central spaces like this «periphery» often become centers of artistic production; in other cases, they become platforms of expression to voices that are often unheard. “The periphery” is often the buzzing “dark matter” that makes it possible for great creations to come to light. 

The artists address space historically and/or site-specifically, among other things. They question the notion of “space” and the demarcation between inside and outside. The works challenge social and physical distance, closeness and intimacy. But just as directly and astutely, an appeal is made to socio-political peripheries, to the margins, in all meanings of this word, from the territorial borders to the physical “shell” of what we perceive as body, and, finally, to its connotation with the vocabulary of finance and profit. 

«Last words from the periphery III» promises a sensitive exploration of the points of contact between spaces, things or beings. As well as the confrontational visualisation of the offside, the being-in and/or out in the abyss of the state.

23 Artists - over 1800 m2

Olga    Antonova
Tiziano    Autera
Marc    Busse
Victoria    Cheredeeva
Naiwen     Chou
Rocco A.    de Filippo
Simeon    Droulers
Simon    Epp
Sève    Favre
Alice    Gilardi
Luca    Harlacher
Nic    Hess
Alina    Kopytsa
Martina     Morger
Victorine    Müller
Andrea    Muniain
Katerina    Sedy
Anita     Semadeni
Dimitrina    Sevova
Tajda    Tomšič
Gregor    Vogel
Andreas    Weber



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