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Vera Molnar and guest Laszlo Horvath (photography)



As a reward for my baccalaureate results, my father gifted me a Leica.
A Leica Light for students, certainly. But a Leica nonetheless.

I laid down under the dining room table and photographed the table from underneath. After a few weeks, I changed my style. I laid down on my
back again. But this time under the kitchen table and photographed it.

Then the two socialisms, one national and the other, international, made this jumble of wealthy bourgeois disappear. I lost both the photographs
and the Leica.


And now we come to the unexpected in my life, the photographs of Laszlo Horvath.

I had the privilege of witnessing the genesis of this passion.

When I met him, 27 years ago, he was a filmmaker. He was working on a film about the photographer André Kertész.

I saw, week after week, how he got rid of the excessive, the superfluous, the anecdotal.

By witnessing this metamorphosis, my vision of the world changed. Now, it happens that in nature I see things in Horvath.

This is my visual world. The little, the almost nothing.

Vera Molnar

Paris, the 21st of November 2021


Type d'événement


Détails Name Portrait
Vera Molnar


Title Country City Détails
Galerie La Ligne