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kuratiert von Lucie Tuma

Syncretic Sites deals with past, forgotten, repressed or future events and existences. Just like any other place, Shedhalle is inhabited by traces from other times and spaces. Fleeting bodies, hunches and vague allusions take center stage. Ghosts, memories, visions, dreams, traumas and all that would remain unheard and unheard-of, if we did not decide to listen.

‘Syncretism’ describes the fusion of different natural-cultural elements into a new form of expression. The English word ‘site’ refers to a place, a factory, a location, a site or also, the virtual localization on the net: the web site. Different practices and forms of knowledge, non-modern and modern cosmologies, poetic and exploratory procedures share this space. A syncretic understanding opens the world to complexity and density. Thus, what is layered, entangled, enmeshed and fused together creates not one single worldview, but worlds of coexistence – in plural.

Every era has to reinvent the project of “spirituality” for itself. In the modern era, one of the most active metaphors for the spiritual project is “art.”

Susan Sontag in “Aesthetics of Silence” (1967)

Qiu Anxiong, Shruti Belliappa & Kiraṇ Kumār, Nina Emge, Denise Ferreira da Silva & Arjuna Neuman, Amparo González Sola, Frank Hesse, A. Livingstone, Tiran Willemse, Xu Zhen

​curated by Lucie Tuma

curatorial assistance Loue Wyder

HI-Intensity Phase: 15.-17.09.

Fr 18-23h / Sa 14-22h / Su 13-18h

(more Infos on

LO-Intensity Phase: 18.09.-05.11.

each Sa 14-20h / Su 14-18h


Type d'événement


395 Seestrasse
8038 Zürich


Title Country City Détails
Shedhalle Zürich