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Opening: Fr. 30.08.24, 18:00
Artist talk: Sa. 14.09.24, 14:00  

A dialogue on the possibilities of painting and the space between the two poles of figuration and abstraction: In his series "Flowing Faces," Nicolas Bischof moves away from pure figuration and approaches abstraction, while Shannon Zwicker's recent works reveal glimpses of figurative elements within seemingly pure abstraction.  

In her paintings, Shannon Zwicker playfully allows structures and forms to grow across the canvas. Soft forms meet hard edges. Elements flow into and over each other. Layers are laid over layers. She enjoys bringing surfaces and lines into relationship with one another, concealing them again, only to finally uncover individual elements in certain places. Openings into her interior. Figurative moments can be sensed in the supposedly pure abstraction.  

In her work, Shannon Zwicker addresses the normative notions of beauty in our society and her relationship to her own soft body, without reproducing the images and gazes she wishes to criticize.  
Shannon Zwicker (*1992) grew up in Igis (GR). She studied Art & Mediation at the HSLU D&K for her Bachelor's degree and spent a semester at the Bremen University of the Arts in the painting class in 2013. In 2022 Shannon Zwicker completed her studies with a Master of Fine Arts at the ZHdK. She has exhibited nationally, including sic! Elephanthouse (Lucerne), Bündner Kunstmuseum (Chur) & Atelier Herrmann Haller (Zurich). In 2019, Zwicker spent three months in a residency in Genoa.

The human measure, death, elegance, beauty, decadence, sex. The simple perfection of, for example, Romanesque sculpture touches the senses and heart of Nicolas Bischof. The urban, meticulously designed living space of Zurich-West stimulates him intellectually – and defines his present time
From this latently problematic basic constellation arises his visual world. On the creative foundation of the three pillars of abstraction, technoid geometry, and figurative fragments, He constructs a reconstruction of his emotional spaces and thoughts. Since the "human measure" remains valid for him, and construction, chance, vitality, and sensuality are essential elements, only the forms of expression in painting and drawing (or sculpture) come into question for him. Painting is neither modern nor old; it is timeless. It is human.
Nicolas Bischof, (*1962) is a painter and illustrator who lives and works in Zurich. He has exhibited his work in Switzerland, Germany, Liechtenstein, France, and South Africa. His pieces are included in private collections across Switzerland, France, and the USA.

Visits by appointment:


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FOMO Art Space