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Galerie Urs Meile is proud to present the exhibition SNAPSHOT, the gallery’s first group show since the inauguration of its Beijing space 15 years ago. The exhibition aims to describe the gallery program and its community of artists at this particular moment in time, presenting never-before-seen works from some of the most prolific artists and emerging new voices in China and Europe.

A snapshot is a document that gives an understanding of a state of things at a specific moment in time. It can also refer to a photograph that is taken to chronicle an impression of something transitory. It can be both an intentional act to record something that is believed to manifest a specific zeitgeist, and an intuitive, entirely subjective and serendipitous expression with no strings attached. When one snapshot is associated with another, and they are embedded into a contextual framework, what begins as a breezy word is uplifted into a voice that has the power to create meaning. The symbiotic relationship between artists and galleries can be described by similar dynamics, while the exhibition functions as a snapshot of their current condition.


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Title Country City Détails
Galerie Urs Meile Beijing