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Basim Magdy – Irene Campolmi (ind. curator)

Open to all: Rethink the world with artists and curators during our next Zoom workshops !
More information bellow - free registration required

Dear friends, 

We hope you and your loved ones have remained healthy during these strange times.

We took the time to ask ourselves about the possible changes in mentalities and systems that the crisis can bring about. Through intense discussions with artists and curators whose work has marked us in recent years, whether in Palermo, Venice, or during a studio visit, we noted the important need to share and exchange creatively on these issues. We then looked for a mode of interaction that would allow us, starting from artworks that indirectly reflect current and future concerns, to question with the public the artistic practices and possible ecological and social changes of the moment.

This is how Breaking Patterns was born: a digital format that allows direct exchange between an artist and a curator—who have designed an activity specifically for Zoom
participants—and the public. All of these Zoom workshops/masterclasses are free and broadcast live on art-werk facebook page. They will culminate with music or poetry by an additional invited guest. We look forward to sharing with you in this experimental framework. 

For art-werk team: Bernard Vienat


Type d'événement


Détails Name Portrait
Basim Magdy


Title Country City Détails