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1972: Née à Lausanne
Vit et travaille à Berlin
Depuis 2005: Enseigne à l'Ecole d'art Weissensee, Berlin

Hannah Cullwick not only cleaned from early in the morning until late at night in various households, she also produced a series of remarkable staged photographs, numerous diaries, and letters. She was very proud of her «masculinity», of her strength, her muscles, and her big, dirty hands. Her portraits and self-portraits, which show her not only as a domestic servant, but also in «class drag» or «ethnic drag», were part of a sado-masochistic relationship that Hannah Cullwick was involved in with Arthur Munby, a bourgeois man. Interestingly, it was elements of her hard work in the household that provided the material for their SM scenes. Building on this connection between sex and labor, the film «normal work» restages 4 poses, looking at the role of sexuality in how power functions within the field of work.

2002-2003: «Die Deutschlandtür geht auf und gleich wieder zu», pièce de théâtre, concept et mise en scène, Volksbühne im Prater, Berlin; «Copy-me, I want to travel», Film, Production Arte/ZDF, 75 min. (avec B. Kuster & R. Lorenz)
2004: «I am Disco», CD, Rhythm King and her Friends, Kitty-Yo, Berlin, tourne?es europe?ennes avec le groupe; «Sometimes you fight for the world, sometimes you fight for yourself», Video, 5min.; «Atelier Europa», co-organisation Kunst- verein München; «München-Sofia», installation vidéo, 10 min.; «I cook for sex», performance, K_B_L & Rhythm King and her Friends, Berlin Biennale, Kunstwerke, Berlin
2005: «Sometimes you fight for the world, sometimes you fight for yourself», exposition individuelle, Les Complices, Zürich; «Ongoing, Feminism & Aktivism», Galerie 5020, Salzburg; «Critique of pure image - between fake and quotation», Bath House, Plovdiv
2006: «A street angel with a cowboy mouth», Rhythm King and her Friends, Tour Diaries, vidéo, 35 min.; «Concept never meant horse», Generali Foundation, Vienne; «Revolt she said», La Criée, Rennes; «Work», Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Cork [cat.]; «NullProblemo», Rudolph-Sharpf-Galerie, Ludwigshafen
2007: «Normal Work», film, 16mm et partie d'archive; participation à l'organisation de «Normal Love», Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin [cat.]; «Eau Sauvage», Fieldgate Gallery, London; «Lost &Found», Shedhalle, Zürich; «The Front of Luxury», CD, Rhythm King and her Friends, Kitty-Yo, Berlin


Partner Issue


Détails Name Portrait
Pauline Boudry