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As part of its 2023 – HUMAN(S) programming cycle, HiFlow chooses to question our relationship to care and invites exhibition curators Séverine Cattin and Sara Petrucci to design a collective exhibition of contemporary art, in collaboration with ArtHUG, the cultural affairs department of HUG – University Hospitals of Geneva.

Séverine Cattin is an art historian, curator and art critic. She is currently assistant curator at the Museum of Fine Arts, Le Locle, where she notably curated the exhibition The Shape of an answer by Louise Bourgeois in 2021. Before joining the reference institution in printed art, she was a scientific collaborator in plastic arts at the Museum of Art and History of Geneva and Neuchâtel. She regularly publishes texts in art books and exhibition catalogs (Le Plaisir du text, 2023 ; Léopold Rabus, 2019 ) and various journals specializing in contemporary art.

Sara Petrucci combines research and curatorial activities. She taught contemporary art history at the universities of Geneva, Neuchâtel, and HETSL. Scientific collaborator of the exhibition “The Return of Darkness. The Gothic imagination since Frankenstein” at the Geneva Museum of Art and History (2016-2017) she was also co-curator of the exhibition “ Number, rhythm, transformation. Contemporary Dialogues with Emma Kunz” at the Kunsthalle Ziegelhütte Appenzell (2020). His research focuses on the contemporary Gothic imagination of the body in weightlessness. Since 2021, she has worked on the development of the Documents d’artistes Genève editorial platform .

You can discover the exhibition freely until January 31, 2024,

Monday to Friday, from 10am to 18pm.


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