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A house for three persons, Tucumán, Argentina
The house is situated on a lot in the middle of the city of Tucumán, Argentina. The completely introvert space of the house is structured by four peripheral walls and two horizontal slabs that define at each level three courtyards and three interior spaces. The external and internal spaces are separated only by movable panels and glass windows. Depending on their position, they change the relation between inside and outside space dissolving the limit between them. The movement of the ground floor panels transforms the house circulation from external to internal. The house is designed to be low cost and to have a flexible functionality. The four peripheral walls are completely made by recycling the bricks of the old demolished house preexisting on the lot. Answering a specific request of the client, in the future it will be possible, thanks to the flexible outside circulation, to convert the house into a Bed and Breakfast with three rooms in the first floor and a public ground floor.


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